Acceptable Certificates

Boating safety certificates issued by the following organizations are legal in New York State. The United States Power Squadrons. The US Coast Guard Auxiliary. A boating safety certificate issued to a resident of another state or country...

Personal Flotation Devices (PFD’s)

"Every pleasure boat floating or sailing in New York State waters must carry a least one wearable US Coast Guard Approved PFD, for each person on board. In addition, boats 16 feet and greater in length also must carry a Type IV throwable PFD."

Visual Distress Signals

During the daytime motorboats 16 feet or longer, and any sailboat longer than 26 feet must carry day and night signals.

Sound Signaling Device

All mechanically propelled boats must carry some sort of sound signaling device.

Speed Limits on The Lake

Except as provided in section forty-five-cc of this part, no vessel shall be operated within one hundred feet of the shore, a dock, pier, raft, float or an anchored or moored vessel at a speed exceeding five miles per hour, unless such vessel is being operated near such shore, dock, float, pier, raft or anchored vessel for the purpose of enabling a person engaged in water skiing to take off or land. (Navigation Law 45 - 2)

Anchor and Line

All motorized boats must carry an anchor and line of sufficient weight and strength to provide the boat with safe anchorage. Although the law applies only to motorized craft, all boats should carry an anchor in case of an emergency on the water
